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Chemical Engineering JournalACS Sustainable Chemistry and EngineeringEnergy Storage Materials等期刊审稿人

Polymers客座编辑(Guest Editor






2003.09-2007.06 中山大学,化学,学士

2008.09-2011.06  中国人民大学,有机化学,硕士

2011.09-2016.04 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学,化学,博士


2016.07-2016.10    澳大利亚伍伦贡大学,智能高分子研究所,助理研究员

2016.11-2018.10    北京化工大学,能源学院,博士后

2017.04-2018.10    美国凯斯西储大学,高分子材料与工程系,访问学者

2018.12-2020.02    加拿大多伦多大学,化工与应用化学系,博士后

2020.07-           陕西科技大学,化学与化工学院高分子材料与工程系,副教授


1. 二维材料在钠离子电池中的应用研究

2. 聚合物复合材料的储能应用

3. 水系锌离子电池的设计与组装

4. 应用于电化学储能的碳基材料的设计与制备







(1) 2022.01-2024.12,纳米纤维素/溶剂协同作用下的二维GePx剥离机制及其电化学行为,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,项目负责人

(2) 2020.09-2024.09,陕西科技大学青年拔尖人才科研启动基金,项目负责人

(3) 2018.05-2022.12Metal-free 碳基光/电催化材料构筑光电转换新系统的基础理论和应用研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,主要参与人

(4) 2017.08-2018.12Metal-free基于球磨法制备的边缘掺杂石墨烯在钠离子电池中的应用,中国博士后科学基金面上项目二等资助,项目负责人


1. Kewei Shu*, Cunguo Yang, Huizhu Niu, Xiaorui Fuyan, Shuqi Yang, Haihua Wang*. Pitch-derived P-doped carbon/GeP3 composite via ball milling towards enhanced sodium-ion storage. Electrochemistry Communications, 2024, accepted.

2. Huizhu Niu, Haihua Wang*, Liyu Sun, Chen-rong Yang, Yu Wang, Rui Cao, Cunguo Yang, Jie Wang, Kewei Shu*. N, S co-doped coal-based hard carbon prepared by two-step carbonization and melting salt template method for sodium storage. New Carbon Materials, 2024, online.

3. Qijie Wu, Kewei Shu*, Long Zhao, Jianming Zhang*. Three-dimensional graphene-polypyrrole hydrogel as cathode for a bioelectric Mg-air battery. Materials Letters, 2024, 357, 135701.

4. Guiqiang Fei, Yu Wang, Haihua Wang*, Wenjing Zhang, Kewei Shu*, Liyu Sun, Siyu Tian, Huizhu Niu, Yihao Duan, Guangyu Hu, Mengxi Wang. Maximizing ion accessibility and electron transport in cationic bacterial cellulose/graphene electrode with superior capacitance and cycling stability. Cellulose, 2023, 30, 7047.

5. Kewei Shu, Jiazhen Zhou, Xiaojing Wu, Xuan Liu, Liyu Sun, Yu Wang, Siyu Tian, Huizhu Niu, Yihao Duan, Guangyu Hu, Haihua Wang*. A g-C3N4/PVDF-based composite polymer electrolytes for sodium-ion battery. Polymers, 2023, 15, (9), 2006.

6. Yu Wang, Haihua Wang*, Wenjing Zhang, Guiqiang Fei*, Kewei Shu, Liyu Sun, Siyu Tian, Huizhu Niu, Mengxi Wang, Guangyu Hu, and Yihao Duan. A Simple Route to Fabricate Ultralong and Uniform Polypyrrole Nanowires with High Electrochemical Capacitance for Supercapacitor Electrodes. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2023, 5, (2), 1254-1263

7. Wenxiong Yuan, Chen Zhao*, Xiaoxian Zhang*, Yonggang Min* and Kewei Shu*. Facile fabrication of flexible and adhesive micro-supercapacitor tapes from conducting polymer solution for self-powered wearable sensing system. Frontiers in Materials, 2023, 10, 1162270.

8. Kewei Shu, Siyu Tian, Yu Wang, Guiqiang Fei, Liyu Sun, Huizhu Niu, Yihao Duan, Guangyu Hu, Haihua Wang*. Graphene Composite via Bacterial Cellulose Assisted Liquid Phase Exfoliation for Sodium-Ion Batteries. Polymers, 2023, 15, (1), 203.

9. Qijie Wu, Kewei Shu*, Lili Sun, Haihua Wang*. Recent Advances in Non-nucleophilic Mg Electrolytes. Frontiers in Materials, 2020, 7, 612134.

10. Kewei Shu, Caiyun Wang*, Weihua Li, Tim Bussell, Jie Ding*. Electrolytes with reversible switch between liquid and solid phases. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2020, 10, (26), 22031-22041.

11. Kewei Shu, Yunfeng Chao, Shulei Chou, Caiyun Wang*, Tian Zheng, Sanjeev Gambhir, Gordon G. Wallace*. A “Tandem” Strategy to Fabricate Flexible Graphene/Polypyrrole Nanofiber Film from Surfactant-Assisted Liquid Exfoliation of Expanded Graphite for Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, (26), 22031-22041.

12. Kewei Shu, Caiyun Wang*, Chen Zhao, Yu Ge, Gordon G. Wallace*. A Free-standing Graphene-Polypyrrole Hybrid Paper via Electropolymerization with Enhanced Areal Capacitance. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 212, 561-571.

13. Kewei Shu, Caiyun Wang*, Sha Li, Chen Zhao, Yang Yang, Huakun Liu, Gordon G. Wallace*. Flexible Free-standing Graphene Paper with Interconnected Porous Structure for Energy Storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3 (8), 4428-4434.

14. Kewei Shu, Caiyun Wang*, Meng Wang, Chen Zhao, Gordon G. Wallace*. Graphene Cryogel Papers with Enhanced Mechanical Strength for High Performance Lithium Battery Anodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, (5), 1325-1331.

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