主要承担项目及成果 |
论文发表情况: 共发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI、EI收录20多篇。 [1]Junfeng Zhu*, Weichun Gao, Pei Wang, Ting Zhu, Junguo Li. Dispersion performances and adsorption behavior of novel block polycarboxylate with hybrid side chains in coal-water slurry. Colloids and Surfaces A ,2020 (594) 124644. [2] 朱军峰*,拓 欢,朱 婷,高薇春,张万斌.含磺酸基和氮氧自由基共聚合物的合成及性能研究.功能材料,2020,51(3):3096-3101 [3] Junfeng Zhu,*Ting Zhu, Huan Tuo and Wanbin Zhang. Synthesis of a TEMPO-Substituted Polyacrylamide Bearing a Sulfonate Sodium Pendant and Its Properties in an Organic Radical Battery. Polymers, 2019, 11, 2076. [4]Junfeng Zhu*, Pei Wang, Wanbin Zhang, Junguo Li, Guanghua Zhang Polycarboxylate adsorption on coal surfaces and its effect on viscosity of coal-water slurries. Powder Technology, 2017,315:98-105. [5]Junfeng Zhu*, Pei Wang, Yuanbo Li, Junguo Li, Guanghua Zhang. Dispersion performance and mechanism of polycarboxylates bearing side chains of moderate length in coal-water slurries. Fuel, 2017,190: 221-228. [6]Junfeng Zhu*, Yuanbo Li, Guanghua Zhang, Rui Wang. Impact of the length of PEO side chain on the properties of polycarboxylate copolymers in coal-water suspensions. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2015, 293:1093-1100. [7]朱军峰,李元博,张光华,王睿.聚羧酸盐侧链长度对水煤浆分散性能的影响及其作用机理[J]化工学报,2015,66(10):4202-4210. [8]Junfeng Zhu*, Guanghua Zhang, Guojun Liu, Qianqian Qu, Yuanbo Li. Investigation on the rheological and stability characteristics of coal–water slurry with long side-chain polycarboxylate dispersant. Fuel Processing Technology 118 (2014) 187-191. |
主要承担项目及成果 |
[9] Guanghua Zhang, Junguo Li, Junfeng Zhu*, Qianqian Qu,Wei Xiong.Synthesis and evaluations of three sulfonated polycondensate dispersants for coal–water slurries. Powder Technology, 254 (2014) 572-578 [10] Guanghua Zhang, Junfeng Zhu, A. Okuwaki. Prospect and current status of recycling waste plastics and technology for converting them into oil in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2007, 50(3) :231-239. [11] Junfeng Zhu,Guanghua Zhang,Junguo Li,Fang Zhao Synthesis, adsorption and dispersion of a dispersant based on starch for coal-water slurry,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 2013, 422, 165-172. [12] Junfeng Zhu, Guanghua Zhang, Zhuo Miao, Ting Shang. Synthesis and performance of a comblike amphoteric polycarboxylate dispersant for coal–water slurry,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 2012,412,101-107. [13] Junfeng Zhu, Guanghua Zhang, Junguo Li. Preparation of Amphoteric Polyacrylamide Flocculant and Its Application in the Treatment of Tannery Wastewater, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011,120, 518-523. [14] Junfeng Zhu, Guang-hua Zhang, and Zhi-chao Lai. Synthesis and Characterization of Maize Starch Acetates and its Biodegradable Film. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2007,46,1135-1141. [15] 朱军峰,张光华,董惟昕,王光辉.氨基磷酸树脂负载镧化合物杂化吸附剂的制备与性能. 高分子材料科学与工程, 2012,28(1): 139-142. [16] 朱军峰, 张光华, 董惟昕, 马莎莎.催化法合成PVC热稳定剂2,4,6-三苯甲酰胺基-1,3,5-均三嗪. 高校化学工程学报, 2012,26(6):1082-1085. [17] 朱军峰,张光华,李楠,高建才.羧甲基-β-环糊精的干法制备[J].应用化学, 2008,25(6):681-684, 2006,35(2): 28-31. 获奖: [1] 2019年陕西省科学技术奖二等奖 [2]2018年度陕西高等学校科学技术二等 [3]获全国高校多媒体课件大赛优秀 授权发明专利: [1]发明专利,一种两性壳聚糖衍生物水煤浆添加剂及其制备方法,201510435087.X [2]发明专利,一种皂素基水煤浆添加剂的制备方法,201410653529.3 [3]发明专利,一种皮革废弃胶原水煤浆添加剂的制备法,201410624128.5 |